Saturday, November 1, 2008

Big milestone today!

Today a special letter came to me in the mail. It was a congratulations card from Capella. It seems that my audit request was received and conducted and it was found that I have completed all required coursework and will be ready to begin the comprehensive exam in January as was planned.

While it was expected, it was an odd experience for me. I pulled the card out of the envelope and on the front it said "You dreamed. You learned. You persevered." and as far as I'm concerned, truer words have never been spoken. It's been a long road and while I haven't reached the finish line yet, I can see it. When I opened it, I teared up a little. There was something especially poignant about reading it. About realizing how far I have come and what a big deal this really is. Maybe every once in awhile, I should step back and pat myself on the back for how far I've come. Just give myself a chance to really fully realize what I've done instead of constantly plowing again with little to no retrospection.

In any case, almost there!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations. You deserve it and all the wonderment to come.
