Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling Nazi

Perhaps I've written this post before and if so, I apologize. It's just that it is so prevalent in my consciousness that I can't seem to block it out! You know what I'm talking about. You know someone...maybe it's you (but I doubt it)...who either can't or won't spell anything correctly. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but email and text messaging are the downfall of the English language.

It's painful to read. All I want to do is hide you (Facebook) or not respond to you. If you don't put forth the effort, then I have to believe that you don't have much respect for me as the reader of your drivel. Now that we're in our 30's, I don't believe that you honestly think that dropping your g's is cool (e.g., goin). And this is all made more upsetting if you are a God...what chance does our younger generation have when YOU are the one teaching them??? And if you're an English teacher? Well, I just need to go lie down.

Here's the thing. I don't expect perfection. Typos, an occasional misspelled word, etc....they are common amongst the most intelligent people. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the individuals who think this is a coherent, intelligent sentence:

"feelin a chest cold commin on so powerwalked it this mornin 2 miles."
"Was, all the same who remotely even during real decided to even use would like the volatile view rather making to go you?"

If you care that little about how you present yourself in written word, then knock yourself out. However, I can't help but think you're a tool.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I realized today that I am overwhelmed. I know I use the word a lot and it's probably getting old to hear it but this morning was one of those mornings where you are ranting and raving (in your head), running around the house trying to get shit done, and even putting off having to pee because gosh darnit, you have to get the dishwasher emptied!

Odd that a morning such as this should immediately follow the news that I lost 6.6 lbs in one week. AMEN! PRAISE JESUS! But that couldn't carry me through the icy roads, the over-packed grocery store, and the realization that there's a crap ton to do around the house. Upon walking in the door I was a whirlwind of activity. A bazillion trips from the car with groceries, emptying the dishwasher and then filling it again with the dirty dishes that were piled in and around the sink. Piling up of garbage by the front door (which, coincidentally the 10 year old took outside for me without being asked....I suspect my mood was obvious). And why am I so overwhelmed?

Maybe it's the fact that I gained back nearly all 50+ lbs I lost. Sweet. Maybe it's the fact that I'm trying to get this damn proposal done so that I can just take a breather for a minute. Maybe it's because I put too much pressure on myself. Wait. What? Oh yeah, I know I do it. But clearly, I don't have enough goals in life and should really try and find something to work towards. *snort*

So the purpose of this particular missive? Hell if I know. It's an opportunity to get it all down on "paper" so that I can actually be a joy to be around today. It's something to do since the 10 year old plopped himself on the toilet right when I was going to allow myself the break to pee.

Whatever it is, let's all make a promise to ourselves today...because I know you're guilty of this too. Let's promise to be kind to ourselves; to take a break; to enjoy life. The rest will get done eventually.

Friday, January 22, 2010


I've started going back to church recently. Back in the day (re: high school) I was very involved in my church. I did a weekly bible study with my peers, was in the church choir, attended services every week, and even participated in "clowning" odd form of worship where you dress up as a clown and act it all out. Don't ask. Anyway, back in high school, I planned to go to college for psychology and then find my way to seminary. Off to college I went but seemed to have lost my way a bit. Freshman year I went to the on campus church service sporadically at best and by the time I had graduated and was living with Mr. Wonderful, it was a miracle if I was even a "chreaster".

By now most of you know that Adam isn't a fan of organized religion. He considers himself "spiritual, not religious." That's fair. But over the past decade I've always felt that something was missing. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot about organized religion I disagree with or downright dislike...but there are a lot of things about it that appeal to me. Namely, it's the congregating of people who have similar beliefs and are turning their attention to something good.

Because PJ (Pastor John) is now at a church in Golden Valley, it seemed it was now the right time. PJ was my minister growing up. He helped me develop a relationship with God, I babysat his son (oh so many stories there) and he showed me that a minister can be a real person too. So right after the new year I wrestled myself out of bed and into the car on a cold Sunday morning and headed to church.

I teared up throughout the entire service. It was obvious that it was where I needed to be. I was able to visit with PJ, his wife, and his two kids (the one I babysat is now 16!) afterwards. I felt good. I have continued to go since then save for a Sunday where I worshiped the porcelain god instead. Hmm...I hope I don't go to hell for that one.

Since that first service I have prayed daily for myself, my family, and my friends. I have found peace much more swiftly when faced with things that upset me. There is much that I want to change in my life - some of which I have control over and others I do not - and I can do that through my faith.

I'm not a crazy born-again or anything like that but I have found some comfort in my faith after some time where it was all very distant to me. It's nice to be home. :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

10 Minutes

To take after my BFF Phil, I thought I'd give myself 10 minutes to blog. I don't have anything incredibly earth shattering to say but that's no different than any other time, really.

Adam and I recently watched seasons 2 and 3 of The IT Crowd. Okay, maybe there are a few episodes left but you get the point. It's a British show and really freakin' funny. And so quotable! Take, for example:

1. "If you type 'google' into Google, you will break the Internet."
2. "I thought I could make it work between us because you looked a bit like a man!"
3. "I'll just put this over here with the rest of the fire."
4. "Its not you, it's me. No; actually it's not me it IS YOU!"
5. "Strap a seat belt on your ears Roy, cuz I'm about to take 'em for a wild ride!"

Usually I'm not a huge fan of British comedy and after the first season I wasn't too impressed. However, I laughed my ass off last night. I highly recommend the show.'s only been 4 minutes but it's all I can handle today.