Thursday, October 30, 2008


I have nothing in particular to discuss. I felt it was time to do a random smattering of the annoyances that cause me to lie awake at night and eat a little too much ice cream.

1. Audits. No, not audits from the IRS (I hope they'd send Condor!) but rather educational audits. Those nasty things where someone wearing an early '90s track suit and sitting in the basement does their voodoo and decides whether I have actually taken all of the classes I've needed to take and gotten the grades I've needed to get. You see, this audit is the hurdle I need to jump over before I can start the comprehensive exam. And I submitted the request two weeks ago. Where is it?!

2. Classes that don't apply to you. You know what I'm talking about. You have to take the class otherwise the aforementioned audit isn't going to go down so well. But you find, early on, that this class is not going to help you one ounce when it comes to writing your chapter 3.

3. Lunch time nazi's. You know who you are. I realize I'm eating my lunch at my desk. I also realize that clearly, this desk is for working. And I also realize that you have a work-related question with a 15 minute explanation that has to occur. But could you wait until I finish my lunch?

4. 24 hours. Who decided that a day should be 24 hours? Why not 30? Or even 15? I recommend that we change a day to 30 hours. Especially in the winter. And the added 6 hours is for sleep only.

5. 5 day work weeks. And who in the hell decided this? Let's work for 5 days and then give ourselves 2 days off. That seems balanced. NOT.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The bucket list

I've made a decision over the last week or so. It was a tough one. Not because it's not something I want to do (Lord, I want to do it!) but because it will be the most challenging and therefore, will have the highest possibility of failure. And I don't want to fail.

I have made an addition to the "before I am 30" list and the addition is this: quit smoking. Ah, what a wonderful ideal. I am thrilled at the idea of kicking the filthy habit. Oh the money we'll save! We won't be social pariahs anymore! We'll feel so much better (especially through winter colds)!

But don't get me wrong.

I like to smoke. I really do. There's nothing better than a cigarette after dinner. That relaxing nicotine fix that makes all those endorphins dance happily in my brain. I like the excuse to get up from my desk in the middle of the day. Colleague pissing you off? Go smoke! I swear, it is because of cigarettes that I'm not already in prison. I like cruising down the highway with the radio blaring and the window open as I flick my ashes out into oblivion. Ahhhh the release.

So you can see why this will be a challenge. I don't have a plan...yet. I'm going to devise a handy dandy plan that will allow me to quit at a slow pace...cold turkey just doesn't work for me. Maybe training for that 5K will help a little too. :)

So consider yourselves forewarned. If I'm grumpier than usual, perhaps the lack of nicotine is the culprit. But I promise you, someday I'll find something else to get the endorphins flowing...hopefully it won't be food.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween 2008

Apparently I have a thing for pictures recently. But really, there's no other way to tell the story of how we spent Halloween 2008. I don't know what was better - when I accidentally punched my extremely inebriated husband in the junk, or when...oh wait. I think that was the best. So enjoy. And remember, when confronted with this crew, beware.

Friday, October 24, 2008

She so CRAZY!

Just a few more pictures to add some life to the blogosphere. It is Jenny (aka Phil) doing a montage cut short by...I don't know. She was just done.

Oh and look! Now there IS a picture of us together!

...and they lived happily ever after!

So it's been awhile since I last blogged but that's because it's been a busy couple of weeks. Last weekend was the wedding and it was beautiful! Everything went off without a hitch (and this is where Adam chimes in and says "Of course there was a hitch....Kari and Eli got married!). In any event, I thought I would share some photos from the event.

Mom helping Kari into the dress.

My boys waiting for the ceremony to start. Aren't they cute?!

Gettin' hitched.

Some of our family partying at the reception.
(Jamie, Mary, Andrea, and Brent)

Kari, Corey, and Britt after a knockin' a few back.

Condor. Undercover.

Kari and Aoife.

Monday, October 13, 2008


I am long overdue for a blog and with my little sister's nuptials a mere five days away, it seemed only fitting to look back on my own wedding day.

May 24, 2003
It was a beautiful spring day. One of those days that is a sunny, warm reminder of the summer that is just around the corner. It was Memorial Day weekend and our families were in town to share the day with us. Everything went off without a hitch because that's how I roll. It was exactly as I pictured it. I could wax poetic about love and romance but, well, that's not how I roll. Instead, I would like to regale you with the stories of the day that stick out in my mind.

1. I remember getting ready. My hair and make-up were done and it was time to put on the dress. My Mom was helping me. Once it was on and zipped up, I turned around just as my cousin walked into the room. She took one look at me and started crying. Then we were all crying.

2. Prior to the ceremony, my Mom had brought sub sandwiches for the wedding party to eat. I remember walking down to the room with the sandwiches - absolutely famished - to find that the wedding party had eaten them all leaving none for the bride. :p

3. During the ceremony as Adam and I lit the unity candle that would signify our life together, Dante rolled around on the floor "breakdancing." All I can remember wondering was what it meant for your marriage if your soon-to-be stepson kicked the unity candle over as you lit it.

4. As couples do, we said vows to one another. Neither one of us teared up. And then I said vows to Dante. It was important to the both of us that we recognize the family we were becoming and it was important to me that I recognize the fact that I was becoming a mother. As I repeated the words of the minister, Dante very carefully watched me. He didn't even break eye contact. During the last phrase, my voice started to crack with emotion. After the vows were complete, I leaned in (as did Dante who was being held by his Dad) and we gave each other a kiss. Everyone in the church - in unison, mind you - went "awww". I was told later, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

5. After the ceremony Adam and I along with our parents lined up to greet the guests as they exited the church. My sister stood behind me bustling the train on my dress and people milled about. About halfway through the line, someone tapped me on the shoulder (honestly, I don't remember who) and chuckled and pointed out the window. There, playing in the rocks with his cousin was Dante (age 4, barely) playing with a dead bird. In his tiny tux.

6. Our reception took place at a golf course. As we were dancing, visiting, and hanging out we were approached by Dante's mother. It seems he had wandered out onto the driving range to pick up the golf balls. People were still playing. She told us we needed to go watch him. At our wedding.

There are so many more memories. Our first dance when it felt a bit like a junior high dance. The father daughter dance when all I could do was giggle as my Dad spun me around the floor. I remember getting to the hotel afterwards and Adam and I pulling hundreds of bobby pins out of my hair.

I remember all of these things but mostly, I remember that I married my best friend. I'm truly blessed and I wish the same for my sister.

Monday, October 6, 2008

My dog...the one who stops loving me 6 days a month

So I have the most adorable puppy in the world. He was, in truth, the bestest birthday present I ever did get! He was the runt of the litter but I immediately wanted to bring him home. He was pretty docile in that little pen with his brothers and sisters. He swaggered over to us and gave a couple kisses. Then he sat and just looked up at us. I'm convinced to this very day that he wasn't sure what to make of those two legged dogs on the other side of the pen. As his brothers and sisters jumped and barked and leapt over him as he sat, he continued to just stare. Occasionally, he'd cock his head and try to figure out why our barks were so different. I scooped him up and brought him home talking nonstop and happily over MY new puppy. MINE. From day one I was adamant with my dear husband of how this dog was MINE and he would love me BEST. And that was true. Once we brought him home over the course of the first few days, he opened up and started to figure out what life was like in a home. And we showered one another with affection.

And then Dante came over.

Zeus...the big one...was always Adam's dog. Continues to be Adam's dog. And he loves doubt about that. But if the house was burning while we slept and he could only wake one of us up, it would be Adam. Not even Dante. Because truth be told, Zeus isn't big on kids. Never has been. He tolerates them and will even cuddle on occasion and is certainly kind. But if given the choice, there would never be a child anywhere near him. He's just not into be harassed and having his tail and ears pulled. I don't understand why.

But Tuck. Well, Tuck loves kids. Loves that they squeak and run around aimlessly. Loves that they wrestle with him, play with his rope, and pet him incessantly. When Dante comes over every two weeks for 3 days at a time, he is in heaven. And I am chopped liver. And that my friends, is the point of this story. For 6 days a month, Tuck stops loving me. I don't get kisses or cuddles anymore. He doesn't crawl up and into my lap but instead, jumps into Dante's to play, to cuddle, to maul. And when Dante leaves at the end of those 3 days, he crawls into my lap to sleep.

And I always let him.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research

That is the name of my text book for my next course, Advanced Study in Research Methods. Overwhelming, no?

The course starts on Monday but being the uber-good learner that I am, I'm starting it today. In the first unit/week, I have to read ten chapters, two websites, install software, view a video, and post three discussion questions and responses. This course is not for the faint at heart. Ideally, courses should require approximately 10 hours of work on the part of the learner per week. Seeing as how each of those chapters and discussion questions would be estimated at 2 hours, well, it's a tad over the baseline. But that's okay. I mean, with a course that gives an relatively complete overview of both major types of research, you can expect to have a lot of work to do. Most courses have 2-4 assignments over the course of a 10 week quarter. This course has nine. Nine assignments - most involving statistical analysis. For those of you who don't know, I (quite literally) cried my way through my undergraduate statistics course. It has now become a thing of legend how I went into the final exam with a 46% and somehow got a C in the course. Clearly, I got 150% on the final exam. :p

I'm going to spend my day doing the following:
  1. State the research topic or problem and write a brief summary of the topic and why I am interested in the topic.
  2. Write two purpose statements for the research topic - quantitative and qualitative.
  3. Write two research questions that address the research purposes - quantitative and qualitative.
  4. Write a hypothesis for the quantitative research question.
  5. Identify the variables for both research questions. For the quantitative research question, identify the independent and dependent variables
  6. Identify the population to be researched for the quantitative approach and identify the purposeful sample to be researched in the qualitative approach.
Ideally, I should be able to tailor the assignments of the course to the topic and research question I want to answer in my dissertation. So while this course, in and of itself, is difficult, I am essentially beginning my dissertation now too. Should be an interesting quarter to say the least.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The master to do list

In honor of my upcoming 30th birthday, I felt it was time to commit to "paper" my personal goals. In no particular order...

1. Run a 5k. I know. Pure insanity. I'm not even sure a serial rapist wielding a knife could get me to run. And yet, I want to do it. I have no grandiose dreams of doing more races after that. I just want to be able to say I've done it. And I know I already have others who want to do it with me (not to say that they haven't already experienced this hell). Shout out to Jenny, Jason, Adam, and my Mama. Anyone else?

2. Complete (and pass) my comprehensive exam. This is part one of the dissertation process to complete my PhD. This is also part of my larger goal to earn my PhD in 2009. I've never really figured out why I'm doing this but at this point, I'm going to push ahead hard and fast! (That's what she said!)

3. Go skinny dipping. I know, I know. I have reached the ripe old age of 29 without ever having skinny dipped. What's worse is that with a birthday in May, I will have to accomplish this over the winter. I welcome ideas on how to do this without overly embarrassing or freezing myself!

4. Have brunch in my jammies. Courtesy of dear 'ol Phil. It is just that. Out in public looking like it's one of those hazing things you did in high school where you yank someone out of bed and let them do little more than pee and brush their teeth.

5. Lose another 40 lbs. 'Nuff said.

6. ???

I welcome your submissions for additions to the list. Is there such a thing as a list that is too long? Probably but thankfully, I don't think we're there yet.