Thursday, October 30, 2008


I have nothing in particular to discuss. I felt it was time to do a random smattering of the annoyances that cause me to lie awake at night and eat a little too much ice cream.

1. Audits. No, not audits from the IRS (I hope they'd send Condor!) but rather educational audits. Those nasty things where someone wearing an early '90s track suit and sitting in the basement does their voodoo and decides whether I have actually taken all of the classes I've needed to take and gotten the grades I've needed to get. You see, this audit is the hurdle I need to jump over before I can start the comprehensive exam. And I submitted the request two weeks ago. Where is it?!

2. Classes that don't apply to you. You know what I'm talking about. You have to take the class otherwise the aforementioned audit isn't going to go down so well. But you find, early on, that this class is not going to help you one ounce when it comes to writing your chapter 3.

3. Lunch time nazi's. You know who you are. I realize I'm eating my lunch at my desk. I also realize that clearly, this desk is for working. And I also realize that you have a work-related question with a 15 minute explanation that has to occur. But could you wait until I finish my lunch?

4. 24 hours. Who decided that a day should be 24 hours? Why not 30? Or even 15? I recommend that we change a day to 30 hours. Especially in the winter. And the added 6 hours is for sleep only.

5. 5 day work weeks. And who in the hell decided this? Let's work for 5 days and then give ourselves 2 days off. That seems balanced. NOT.

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