Monday, October 27, 2008

The bucket list

I've made a decision over the last week or so. It was a tough one. Not because it's not something I want to do (Lord, I want to do it!) but because it will be the most challenging and therefore, will have the highest possibility of failure. And I don't want to fail.

I have made an addition to the "before I am 30" list and the addition is this: quit smoking. Ah, what a wonderful ideal. I am thrilled at the idea of kicking the filthy habit. Oh the money we'll save! We won't be social pariahs anymore! We'll feel so much better (especially through winter colds)!

But don't get me wrong.

I like to smoke. I really do. There's nothing better than a cigarette after dinner. That relaxing nicotine fix that makes all those endorphins dance happily in my brain. I like the excuse to get up from my desk in the middle of the day. Colleague pissing you off? Go smoke! I swear, it is because of cigarettes that I'm not already in prison. I like cruising down the highway with the radio blaring and the window open as I flick my ashes out into oblivion. Ahhhh the release.

So you can see why this will be a challenge. I don't have a plan...yet. I'm going to devise a handy dandy plan that will allow me to quit at a slow pace...cold turkey just doesn't work for me. Maybe training for that 5K will help a little too. :)

So consider yourselves forewarned. If I'm grumpier than usual, perhaps the lack of nicotine is the culprit. But I promise you, someday I'll find something else to get the endorphins flowing...hopefully it won't be food.


  1. Yeah! Congratulations. J and I will do anything to help - he can take a mean punch if you need to get out some anxiety.

  2. Does he know you offered this?

  3. This means I'm going to quit, too... triple the grumpy! (Cuz I'm normally twice as grumpy as Kris.)

  4. I feel some fun months coming up :) You kids are gonna rawk this out! let us know what we can do to help - including shutting the hell up or getting the f* out of your face or whatever else you need to have an outburst of when feeling a little grump coming on

  5. I'm proud of you for doing this! You will sooo much better once you have quit! Seriously.
