Monday, October 13, 2008


I am long overdue for a blog and with my little sister's nuptials a mere five days away, it seemed only fitting to look back on my own wedding day.

May 24, 2003
It was a beautiful spring day. One of those days that is a sunny, warm reminder of the summer that is just around the corner. It was Memorial Day weekend and our families were in town to share the day with us. Everything went off without a hitch because that's how I roll. It was exactly as I pictured it. I could wax poetic about love and romance but, well, that's not how I roll. Instead, I would like to regale you with the stories of the day that stick out in my mind.

1. I remember getting ready. My hair and make-up were done and it was time to put on the dress. My Mom was helping me. Once it was on and zipped up, I turned around just as my cousin walked into the room. She took one look at me and started crying. Then we were all crying.

2. Prior to the ceremony, my Mom had brought sub sandwiches for the wedding party to eat. I remember walking down to the room with the sandwiches - absolutely famished - to find that the wedding party had eaten them all leaving none for the bride. :p

3. During the ceremony as Adam and I lit the unity candle that would signify our life together, Dante rolled around on the floor "breakdancing." All I can remember wondering was what it meant for your marriage if your soon-to-be stepson kicked the unity candle over as you lit it.

4. As couples do, we said vows to one another. Neither one of us teared up. And then I said vows to Dante. It was important to the both of us that we recognize the family we were becoming and it was important to me that I recognize the fact that I was becoming a mother. As I repeated the words of the minister, Dante very carefully watched me. He didn't even break eye contact. During the last phrase, my voice started to crack with emotion. After the vows were complete, I leaned in (as did Dante who was being held by his Dad) and we gave each other a kiss. Everyone in the church - in unison, mind you - went "awww". I was told later, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

5. After the ceremony Adam and I along with our parents lined up to greet the guests as they exited the church. My sister stood behind me bustling the train on my dress and people milled about. About halfway through the line, someone tapped me on the shoulder (honestly, I don't remember who) and chuckled and pointed out the window. There, playing in the rocks with his cousin was Dante (age 4, barely) playing with a dead bird. In his tiny tux.

6. Our reception took place at a golf course. As we were dancing, visiting, and hanging out we were approached by Dante's mother. It seems he had wandered out onto the driving range to pick up the golf balls. People were still playing. She told us we needed to go watch him. At our wedding.

There are so many more memories. Our first dance when it felt a bit like a junior high dance. The father daughter dance when all I could do was giggle as my Dad spun me around the floor. I remember getting to the hotel afterwards and Adam and I pulling hundreds of bobby pins out of my hair.

I remember all of these things but mostly, I remember that I married my best friend. I'm truly blessed and I wish the same for my sister.


  1. Friends don't normally do to each other what I'm planning for us to do...

  2. Here's a belated one: awwwwwwww
