Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Dissertation Committee!

Every learner writing a dissertation is required to have a dissertation committee. The committee is made up of 3 faculty members who read, review, and provide feedback on the various chapters and milestones of the dissertation. It is this committee that eventually authorizes the doctorate (we hope). So today I heard back from the individual I asked to serve as my mentor. The mentor is one member of the committee who chairs the work and is the final sign off for all milestones. She has agreed to serve as my mentor and I am thrilled! It is another hurdle in this process that I have passed so I can move onto the next. I have already sent an email to the second potential committee member in hopes she will accept. I'm still considering the third. The third member is a "special" role. This person is considered a "visiting scholar" and does not need to have expertise in my chosen field. There are a lot of opportunities to choose someone with some complimentary experiences and ideas. One person I have in mind is another woman. Is there a risk or...perhaps better put...a miss if I don't include a male perspective? There is more to be considered. But yay!

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