Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Signs of the times

Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is the sole opinion of the author. It is not assumed nor is it expected that the opinions are shared by the readers.

Yeah Obama! What a thrill to have played a role in the election of our 44th president! Yes, I am an Obama supporter and today I feel that change has come to America. Yes we did!

But in the midst of this historic victory were some failures. And not to downplay the victory, for me it is only right to give a little attention to the injustices that happened on election day 2008.

In the state of California, Proposition 8 may well have passed. This proposition was to overturn the state supreme court decision to allow gay marriage. Approximately 3 million absentee ballots remain to be counted but as of now, the vote counts at 52% to 48% in favor of overturning the decision. I heard, from a friend, that there may be an issue for same sex couples that were married in the state while it was legal. Apparently there may be a question as to whether those unions will be recognized. I, however, was not able to verify if that is true or not.

In the state of Arkansas, where same sex marriage is already banned, has now banned adoption and foster parenting to those who are single or in same sex relationships. The question for this blogger is what will happen to those single or gay individuals that have already adopted or are currently foster parents.

In the state of Florida, the ballot approved an amendment to the state constitution to limit marriage to opposite sex couples and to ban civil unions.

In the state of Arizona, an amendment to the state constitution was also approved to limit marriage to opposite sex couples.

Sorry folks, but this is what's wrong with this country. All couples, regardless of sexual orientation, should have the right to marry. This isn't only about gay rights (but yes, those are important too) but also about equality and the sheer unimportance of sexual orientation to the act of loving and marrying. This is not a government issue. And I hope that this will be one of the changes I see in my lifetime...preferrably sooner rather than later.

So way to go, America! One major step to change, acceptance, and true equality. But we're not there yet.


  1. I'm just waiting for the day Minnesota legalizes gay marriages and you say, "Here's some papers to sign, honey. I'm finally free to marry Sarah!"

  2. Who is this Sarah!?! Le sigh - guqss I need to make a new list for when gay marriage passes in MN.

    I will never understand why people actively keep others from the many wonders and pains of marriage. Don't like gay marriage - then don't YOU be gay and married - issue solved.

    11/4/08 was a good day. A great day.
