Monday, January 12, 2009

An Ode to Adam

It's about damn time I gave Adam his due. For he is wonderful. Let me list the ways:

1. He's hilarious! Especially when he's not trying to be. As in when he's grumpy. Or hungry (only slightly, after that it's not so funny).

2. His giggle is infectious and always makes me smile. I particularly like when he can't help but laugh when I look him in the eye. No, I do not take offense.

3. He's a damn good Dad and I can say that because I've seen him grow into it.

4. I'm starting to think that I love absolutely nothing more than when I can prove him wrong or point out a time when he used a word incorrectly or misspelled it. Oh how it drives him crazy!

5. The sweet things he does for me. Like taking the dogs out when its cooooollllld and I'm in my jammies. Or giving me front door service at the grocery store.

6. The fact that he's so damn good at pretty much everything he does. Case in point. My Mom "taught" me how to knit. I sucked at it and by the time I got home, I had forgotten how. I tried explaining it to him (in a very disjointed fashion since I couldn't remember half of it) and within minutes, there he was knitting and purling away!

7. The way he can be so dang positive about things. He can convince me of anything with no proof other than "because I know."

8. Visions of him at the computer playing his games with his 3D goggles and his headset with microphone. It happened. Truly.

9. The time he ate half a pumpkin pie (or was it the whole thing?) and an entire Chipotle burrito in 1.5 hours.

10. Adam drinking wayyyy too much Jag = Me being able to push him out of a chair with little more than a nudge.

Oh you are so much fun. I enjoy you.


  1. Those 3D goggles were the sh*t.

    It was half a pie.

    #6 is too true. It's awesome for me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You two kids have your own bubble. So very happy that neither of you are Hellraiser so it doesn't pop. Float on bubble, float on.
