Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Let's check in on the list...

It's about that time where a) a blog feels appropriate and b) we should check on the list. Way back on a November 17th post, I identified the five things I wanted to do before I turned 30. And really, the list is chock full of some pretty major stuff so let's take a look at how I'm doing.

1. Run a 5k. I haven't started training. It's too cold. My dear friend Becka (personal trainer extraordinaire) has given me an 8 week couch to 5k plan so I figure, if I start mid-March, I should be good. And I'll pretend the weather will be warmer then. Grade: F.

2. Complete and pass my comprehensive exam. Well, the questions were received last week and I have started on question 1 (of three). I'm taking some time off around the weekend to get some more work done and anticipate that I'll be taking more time before my four weeks are up. Grade: B-.

3. Have brunch in my jammies. By far the easiest thing on the list and it is being postponed until warmer weather. So start thinking late April/early May. Grade: A (for putting something this cool on the list).

4. Quit smoking. Today starts day 8 without a cigarette and I don't miss them much. I have moments but that's to be expected. I'm optimistic that I can stick with this! Again, someday I will write my ode to Chantix. Grade: A+.

5. Lose more weight. Alright so this is getting slapped around due to #4 but I can hold out and let my body and my metabolism re-regulate. I've done a MUCH better job this week watching what I eat, measuring, etc. and this morning, the scale was 1.6 lbs lower. That's not an official weigh in but a good measure of progress. So we'll keep this up. There's still plenty of time before the big 3-0 to hit the 199.9 lb mark (and yes, that would be perfectly acceptable). Grade: B.

I'm under a lot of stress right now. Don't get me wrong, I know everyone is. I need to find new and better ways of dealing with it (chocolate cake and chain smoking are no longer an option). I could probably amp up that whole exercising thing. I don't know what it is about exercising that I find so difficult. It isn't that it's hard. I just don't like it. And no matter what I do or for what length of time I do it, I can never get to that alleged point where it's fun/enjoyable/addicting. Maybe it never will. I just need to push past it and make it a habit. It's certainly easier to stick with it in the summer. I know Zeus misses his walks.

I continue to believe that there are good things on the horizon. Life feels a bit rocky right now and I know that there will continue to be moments like this. I haven't always dealt with them in the best or most productive way but I'm working my way through this one pretty well. I'm learning a lot about myself these days and feeling like I'm growing up a teensy bit. That can't be half bad, right?

And let's talk about 30 for a second. I've made a big to do about turning 30 and I've talked about it a lot expressing dismay at reaching this age. Truth be told, I'm not afraid of 30. I feel that there's a level of wisdom that comes with being in your 30's and I welcome it. There's a sense of maturity with it too. And maybe one of these days I won't be pretending I'm a grown-up, I'll actually be one. Sure, I've learned a few things in the past 29 years. But that's a different blog all together...

1 comment:

  1. Word. 30 ain't nothin' but a thang. We's got lots of years of fun, missteps, corrections and legendary moments ahead of us. And you're too hard on yourself. Last time I checked, 11:12am CT 1/21/09, you are funny, pretty, haven't killed a hooker today, don't snort coke off of babies or otherwise degrade the quality of any other person's life. In fact, this rocky patch in life should be afraid of you 'cause you're gonna kick its sorry ass. Peace out.
