Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Me want to bring the funny

Jenny Lane. Jenny, Jenny, Jenny to the Phil Lane.

This is my public apology for all of the times I've said I was disappointed. Or that your blogger blogs just aren't as funny as your myspace blogs once were. I want to apologize if I ever made you feel as though you were even a smidgen less funny than you actually are.

You see, I've come to realize something. I aspire to be Jenny Lane.

I want to be witty. I want to use my "clearly"ies and my unabashed witt to pen creative and engaging blogs. I want a name like Jenny Lane. I mean, that in and of itself is something for which you should be proud. Even what you had to go through to get it makes a good story! I just can't match up.

So this short but sweet public apology is only to say that I'm disappointed in ME. That my blogs - on blogger and on myspace - have never really been that funny. And that I bow down to you, oh queen of blogdom.

1 comment:

  1. If I hadn't had my emotions removed in the '80s I would cry. So sweet. And yet I aspire to youness. Perhaps we should both just accept ourselves or aspire to be like Kelly from The Office. Yes, Kelly.
