Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Home-based treasures you've moved 4 times!

There are small moments in our lives where we experience utter surprise and joy. They come at us when we least expect it and instantly put a smile on our faces. I had one such moment on Friday.
I had 3 disposable cameras that I never had developed. I knew where they came from. One was from a weekend trip last fall, another was a miscellaneous set of pictures from times when I forgot the digital, and the third was from my cousin's wedding....in 2004. Oi. So on Friday I had those pictures developed. As a looked through the packages, I saw things I had forgotten about. But my biggest surprise was in that third camera. It was not from my cousin's wedding as I originally thought. They were pictures of Dante (now 9) from 2002. Yes, 6 years ago. Yes, he was 3. Imagine my excitement and the flood of memories that happened as a result of finding these pictures!
So obviously I need to find a better, color, scanner. However, this will have to do for now. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!


  1. Man, I wasn't nearly as hot back then as I am now. And I was smokin' hot back then, so I guess I'm like an oxy-aceteylene cutting torch burning at 6300 degrees F now.

    *lick finger... apply to ass cheek* Hssssssssssss!
