Friday, November 12, 2010

Is that a baby in your belly or are you really, really fat?

We've all heard the stories of women being asked if they are pregnant when they aren't.  We've heard it told from both sides of the story...both of which are accompanied by horror and intense shame.  Sometimes there's laughter and sometimes there's tears.

I have my own such story today.

I would first like to note that no one actually said anything to me directly.  The story was relayed to me second-hand.  And if the roles had been reversed, I never would have shared this story with a pregnant woman.

Apparently the following conversation took place a couple of days ago:

Asshat McDouche: I just saw Kris and she has gained so much weight, she looks pregnant!!!

Stunned woman #1: She is.  She's going on maternity leave in like, a week.

Asshat McDouche: Oh!

Story teller: *uncontrollable fit of giggles*

WTF?  Seriously?  I look pregnant so you assume I'm really, really fat???  It never occurs to you that I might actually be pregnant?

I feel so damn pretty today.


  1. Holy Shiznit... I sometimes forget there are people out there who have absolutely NO tact! Had I been in your shoes (which would totally be cute), I would have said, "So the conversation took place. What makes you think I want to f'ing hear about it?!"

    Sarcasm or not, you actually are pretty every day. I know so.

  2. this just makes me love you more because you are neither Asshat nor Story Teller. You're just better than that at all levels.
