Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Every year I do a cheesy post listing all of the things I'm thankful for during this holiday season (and all year long, of course).  In light of my newest blessing, it seemed absolutely necessary to do a list again this year.

(Forgive me for not doing a "omgshe'shereandbeautifulandIlovesherandwanttosharethestoryofherbirth" post yet.  It's coming.)

1. Lucy.  My beautiful, absolutely perfect blessing of a little girl.  Someone for whom I waited years and years to meet and to hold.  I am blessed with every cry, diaper change, snuggle and more.  I love her more every minute of every day.

2. Adam.  The man who takes care of me and now for blessing #1.  The one I giggle with, cry with, and celebrate with.  I didn't think I could love him any more but then I saw him with his daughter and that all changed.

3. Family.  A big catch all for a whole lot of people.  People who love me and mine and who share their lives with us.  I love sharing my life with you.

4. Friends.  I feel so many friendships - new and old - were strengthened this year.  I can't wait to continue the journey.

5. The future.  So much seems possible.  So much more seems exciting.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Ridiculously upbeat. Conveniently enough, everyone on that list is undeniably thankful for you and thankful for your new blessing.
