Tuesday, December 9, 2008

An ode to Phil

Oh how I adore thee. Let me count the ways.

1. Memories of many afternoons watching Clue and Labyrinth always make me smile.
2. CD upon CD upon CD upon magazine cut-outs across your dorm room wall. Genius.
3. Mixed CDs just for me with songs with lines like "I wanna do bad things with you."
4. Pancakes.
5. Light up snowmen ornaments that are so wonderful, the battery dies.
6. Chester Bowl, Eagle's Ridge (or whatever it's called), and trips to Gooseberry where we all tried too hard to be intellectual and (phil)osophical.
7. The way we started the bromance between our significant others.
8. Duplexes!
9. Our obsession with "Is the day over yet?" and "Who wants to blow off work today?" and never actually following through.
10. My goal to run a 5k. Your goal to run a marathon. Does our greatness show? Well mine doesn't because you want to run 26 miles. I want to run 3.
11. Blogs dedicated to one another and your commitment to finding all of the great status comments in a given day or week and showcasing them for all to see.
12. Making bad decisions with money. It is in this that we truly bond.

You, my dear, are truly s'wonderful. I am not good enough for you.


  1. This made my century. So prepare, because at my 130th birthday you're going to have to come up with something new. Special K is my choice for a balanced friendship.

  2. the captcha that I had to enter to post the above comment was "gynos" - ewwwww.
