Thursday, December 30, 2010

I would wake up over and over if it were always like this

Last night we attempted, for the first time, to establish a bedtime routine for Miss Lucy.  Up until now, Lucy has set the schedule for the day - when she eats, when she sleeps, when she plays.  And that was fine seeing as how she was an itty bitty in need of learning how to function in the outside world.  But now that we're halfway through my maternity leave (OMG!), it's time to start trying to put together something that's slightly more consistent.

So last night I gave her a warm bath, dressed her in her jammies and handed her to Adam for a bottle.  Afterwards a drowsy baby was swaddled and put into her crib for the first time (at night) and lulled to sleep by the sounds of the Baby Einstein aquarium.  And she slept.  For 6+ hours.  By the time she woke up I was slumbering away so Adam was the one to do the middle of the night feeding and apparently she had a hard time going back to sleep and was up for 3+ hours before going back to bed in her crib.

Which is where I found her in the morning.  At 10:15.  I heard her stirring (I woke up before my baby!) so I went into her room, peered over her crib, and was rewarded with some huge smiles!  Lucy looked up at me with her eyes wide open and gummy smiles as if to say "Hey Mom!  I'm so glad you're here!"  I melted right then and there.

She's growing so fast!  We're connecting more each day and it's awesome.  I'm already dreading going back to work.

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