Friday, June 25, 2010

I am an emotional wreck

Dear Lord, the mood swings. I am out of control. Sometimes I'm amazed Adam hasn't committed me yet and equally surprised I haven't committed myself. Things that mildly annoyed me before are sending me off the deep end now. Sometimes it is rage and other times it is intense sorrow. Of course there is annoyance, bafflement, and general bewilderment thrown in there as well. I haven't noticed a huge up swing in the positive moods but they're there. They just don't feel as manic I guess.

Tonight the kids (Dante and Sophia) were playing, the dogs were wrestling, and Adam was getting ready to paint. This is a very small house people!!! It was a torrential downpour outside complete with hail and tornado watches so I couldn't very well escape or kick people out. So I did the next best thing. I gave myself a time out. I'm relatively confident that there are 5 other living souls right now simply because of that decision.

I know this is pregnancy. I know this is the less enjoyable part of carrying my daughter (I'm not quite used to that yet). But man, a reprieve would be swell.

* No humans or animals were harmed in the writing of this post.

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