Sunday, November 1, 2009

Organized religion and that whole thing

When I was 4, my parents bought their first house and moved us to Cottage Grove. They had decided they needed the space to raise their children and build a family. My sister was born 2 months later.

When they had chosen where they would raise their children, they also chose a church. St. Luke was a small, relatively new church located a few miles from home. It is here that Kari (my sister) was baptised, where we both took first communion and confirmation, and where Adam and I were married. Over the course of all those years, we were active members with my Mom and I both serving on church council, running many, many Easter breakfasts, and leading a variety of groups and events. Today, my parents have been members of St. Luke for 26 years.

Back in August, the ELCA synod (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) voted to allow gay and lesbians in committed relationships to serve as ministers in ELCA churches. While I think it's a bullshit decision, it's not the point of this blog.

St. Luke council voted un-unanimously to withhold its benevolence payments to the ELCA as a stand against the decision. This council decision was not brought to the congregation for notification or discussion until this afternoon. An open forum took place today which allowed congregational members to speak out. While I wasn't there, I received the play-by-play from my Mom.

This whole mess bothers me. It's because of things like this that the majority of my generation says they are "spiritual, not religious" or that they dislike organized religion. It's when we take a social issue and build rules around them "in the name of God." For a church that had such a positive impact on my life and my family, I'm deeply disappointed that it has lost its way. While I'm not a member anymore and while I don't attend church anymore, it still greatly bothers me.

What's "Christian" about this whole mess?

1 comment:

  1. I wonder about the same things... Thanks for making me think today.
