Sunday, May 24, 2009

Stupid #$%@ cashiers...

Short post tonight. Earlier in the day Adam and I piled the kids (Jazzy, Dante, and Sophia) into the car to head to the zoo. Never mind the fact that the zoo was so packed, we couldn't get a parking spot and ended up going straight home. Totally dumb. Anyway, on the way out, we stop for gas. I go in with my trusty coupon (courtesy of Cub) and decide to purchase drinks and candy for the kidlets because I'm cool like that. Allow me to replay for you the conversation between myself and the cashier.

Kris: *piles 4 drinks and 2 packages of candy on the counter*
Cashier: *under his breath* have a sweet tooth.
Kris: Well, I have 3 kids in the car.
Cashier: Oh you DO, huh?

Um, excuse me? Do I need snide remarks from a cashier at Holiday? I don't think so! What an ass.

So today was our 6th anniversary. It was a beautiful day spent with the kids and Adam started building me flower boxes! Hurray! I'm such a lucky girl. :)

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