Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I'm copying Phil. Most of you know this because no doubt you've already read her blog. I loved so much hearing about all of her milestones in the month of June, I thought it was time to describe what I fondly refer to as "the month of Kris." The rest of you may know it as May.

May 10th - Mother's Day. No, I haven't birthed any biological babies but I've been a step mom for 7 years now so I figure I can claim the day.

May 18th - Celebrating 30 years of "being alive" as it was so eloquently stated by the Lanemiester (How do we feel about that nickname? Will it catch on?).

May 24th - Celebrating 6 years of not killing each other. That is, Adam and I will celebrate our 6th anniversary. How the hell did that happen?

And if you'll humor me just a tad (again, to copy the Lanemiester), on June 4th, I will celebrate (?) eight years with Capella. Eight official years that is. If you count my contracting time, I'll be halfway to 9. How did THAT happen?

It's no wonder I love spring. :)

1 comment:

  1. A) Imitation IS the most sincere form of flattery
    B) Yea! I'm happy you're alive
    C) Lanemeister should never ever catch on. Ever. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little just saying it.
    D) Celebrate good times c'mon!
