Sunday, August 24, 2008

Exercise? Me?

Whoa. A blog two days in a row. Whatever will you do?

In March, I embarked on this weight loss journey for the zillionth time (yes, that's an official count). I wasn't particularly motivated but my Mom was. Weekly we do the weigh in thing and reward ourselves (with Mom's credit card) when we hit exciting milestones. For the first couple of months I retained my sedentary lifestyle. You see, I had become so accustomed to Chipotle burritos and pizza rolls that the simple change of diet was enough to get the scale moving. After I had exhausted every excuse I could come up with for why I wasn't exercising, I started walking. It was simple, got me outside for the spring, and made my dog happy. And I did pretty well walking for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. Okay, some weeks it was only once or twice. But hey! It was a start!

And then, about a month ago, dear old Mom struck again. She had stumbled upon a DVD that was a kick you in the pants kind of workout and claimed you could lose "up to 20 lbs in one month!" Hurray! So I went out and bought the damn thing. Lo and behold, Adam decided to do it with me also. So it's been nearly a month of this. The 20 lb claim was...well, you know. A lie. A bold-faced lie. But it just so happens that I've noticed something else. There is now definition in my calves where there once was none. When I flex my arms the muscles may not be visible to the naked eye but there's a little bump of something in there when you squeeze! And this is pretty exciting in and of itself.

Today, for the very first time I worked out twice in one day. I did the aforementioned DVD and this evening, itching to do something, I took the dog for a walk. It was a short one. Nothing to celebrate. In fact, the only reason I didn't go farther/longer was because it was late and dark and neither Zeus nor I had any reflective gear on. In the interest of safety, we headed home.

This is a pretty big accomplishment for a girl who not all that long ago, found carrying baskets of clothes up and downstairs a rather taxing exercise. 35 lbs later, I'd say Mom had a pretty good idea. And now when I shop for dog food and grunt to lift the bag, I'm reminded that I used to carry that around alllll the time.

Yay me!


  1. Woohoo! That's so exciting :) I'm so proud of you!!

  2. Sweet. Keep it up. If you need a walking buddy you know where to find me . . . then you can see the sweating problem first hand . . . oh wait, you're not going to call now are you :(
