Thursday, January 15, 2009


It's that time again. Time for updates.

Many of you (ha! 4 readers on a good day!) may have noticed that there were two items on my "before I'm 30" list that may contradict one another. For those of you who were able to pick those out, congratulations, it's your fault.

First, the good news. I have quit smoking. Yesterday was the first day I officially had no cigarettes...not even a puff! And except for a short episode this morning, I haven't really wanted one. Yes, I had an urge but I think that was an urge to get the f*ck out of the office to be honest. In any case, I'm pleased. When Adam lights up, I scrunch up my face and wonder how it could have possibly ever tasted good! I do suspect my sense of smell and taste are returning with a vengeance. Joy. But the second part of the good news is that on Tuesday Adam took the plunge and got his own prescription for Chantix. He started yesterday and we are on our way!!! In a future blog, I will share my ode to Chantix. I do believe it is the greatest thing ever created.

Okay, the bad news. The contradiction. The oh shit moment. I have put on 2 lbs. Could be more. We'll find out on Saturday. How is this happening? Yes, I'm eating more. And yes, I'm doing a crappy job of measuring. But folks, the only thing (in my mind) that can explain such a LARGE gain is the fact that my metabolism has plummeted. But don't worry. This will NOT change my mind on the no smoking thing. I feel blissfully wonderfully insanely great and I wouldn't trade that for the world. I just need to get creative to at least stop the gain.

In other news, the comps questions arrived yesterday. They are not nearly as scary as I assumed they would be. In fact, they are quite manageable. I have devised a plan of attack and have figured out how I will work over the next 4 weeks. I'm looking forward to it and actually started digging into the research this morning (work shmerk).

Let's see. What else can I think of to tell you? It's freakin' cold outside and I hate it. Yes I live in Minnesota. Yes, I love it 8 months out of the year. That doesn't mean that I can't whine a little about the 4 months I hate. I live here because my family and friends do. If I could get them all to agree, we would all move someplace warm. I still require a difference in seasons however. Someday.

Grandma is in Texas (with Grandpa) and so far, no one has broken anything. It doesn't look like there will need to be any emergency trips to Texas this year. Thank God in heaven.

I hope you're all cuddled on the couch with your pet of choice (yes, this counts boyfriends/husbands) eating ice cream or cake and enjoying your favorite 80's movie on TV. And if you're not, my condolences.


  1. I guess you count as my husband, since in your words, you "fart like a man."

  2. Did you ever know that you're my hero . . . everything I would like to be . . . you something something fly higher than an eagle . . . you are the wind beneath my wings

    you are fantasterastic and congratulations on the not smoking . . . we've always got jazzercise to work on the rest (psstt you look fantastic)

    hmm I'm anonymously Phil

  3. To Adam I say:

    I r funny.

    To "Anonymous" I say:

    Why are you anonymous?
