Thursday, January 29, 2009

Am I the only one?

I don't think I am. My Mom finds it funny that I'm a goal-setter. Am I the only one? It's just that I like to have something to work towards and I have found that if I don't identify exactly what I want, I feel as though everyday is the same and I just...exist.

So with all of these goals I have before my birthday, I feel like I'm making progress. I'm not just existing...I'm actually accomplishing a little more each day. That's a great feeling! And I won't make it a secret that I have added many goals to the list I have published for public consumption. It's just a secret what they are. They're a little more personal. Some have even come from shame. And those are things I'm working towards on my own. By definition that means that they are probably more difficult than the five I've shared with you but I don't need you all to know when I succeed. I don't need my pat on the back from someone else. My own celebration in my mind will be enough.

So this is an audience participation blog. What are YOUR goals?


  1. To learn how to just "exist" for a while without breaking out in a cold sweat and signing up for Japanese art classes just to have something to "accomplish".

  2. Obviously I'm not the only one.

  3. I'm the same one. I think it's funny that mom thinks it's funny that you set goals when in fact she raised us to be this way...

  4. Moms . . . they wonder how you get to where you are but forget that they're the ones who drew the map.
